
Access to digital visibility

Get discovered by customers with Balu, our powerful solution that ensures your business is visible on all the leading platforms, apps, and directories.

Stay on top of your game

in your online search

20 x

ROI in Marketing

1 %

Impressions in branded searches

20 %

Impressions in unbranded searches

Your Listings

Always precise and up-to-date

Ensure that you are seen first with a strong profile and accurate industry listings.

Structured data

Optimize your website's search engine performance with structured data that helps Google understand and organize your content, delivering more relevant results for your target audience.

interface integration

Our interfaces support all relevant online platforms and leading search engines, map apps, social networks, directories, and review sites.

Voice search optimization

Since voice search queries are often formulated in natural language, structured data can help better understand the intent behind the search query.

Always stand out and impress.

To implement ideas faster, we strengthen our position through partnerships with all established local directory networks.

Direct Integrationen

Direct integration with Google, Facebook, and other providers allows for preferred access to new features and improvements.

Publisher partnerships

Through our partnerships with publishers, we have a competitive advantage and can develop and test new features ahead of others.

Quick Start

Through the trust of our partners, we have the ability to unlock multiple business profiles at once, allowing you to go live within minutes.

Better visibility for your local business

Durch die Optimierung deiner Standortprofile an den richtigen Stellen, kannst du dein Unternehmen in der lokalen Suche an die Spitze bringen und dabei eine einheitliche Markenidentität aufrechterhalten, die bei deinen Kunden bekannt ist.

Purview communication compliance

Having full control over which information can be seen and which changes can be made.

Duplicate Suppression

Akkurate and consistent location profiles are ensured through the suppression of duplicates.

Custom Tags

All locations can be grouped together to facilitate simultaneous management, assignment of access rights, and creation of reports.

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Do you want to improve the local visibility of your business and manage your online reputation? Then subscribe to our monthly newsletter! We provide you with practical tips and exclusive content.

We are Balu

At Balu, we create connections by connecting businesses with people and enabling them to master the entire Local Brand Experience for their customers.

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